BCSM Announcements
Families (Schools): Please enter a lowercase f followed by your student's OSIS number-- for example, f123456789.Please fill out the family surveys below. Directions are under the link.The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics
Black History Month
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics -
Midwinter Recess, schools closed (Feb 17 - Feb 21, 2025)
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics -
Student OMNY cards (formerly known as Metro cards)
Please see Ms. Nancy Quinones in the main office if you have any questions regarding this.
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics
BCSM Calendar
Midwinter Recess, schools closed
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics -
Classes resume!
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics -
February SLT/PA
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics -
First day of Ramadan
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics -
End of marking period 4
The Bronx Center For Science And Mathematics
College and Career Office Resources
BCSM Important Information for Families
For Parents/Guardians:
- To set up an account please visit, https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc
- This account gives you information to your child's progress including grades, attendance and assessments.
- You need your child's Student ID number
- Please contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Yajaira Perez (yperez@bxcsm.org) for any questions.
JUPITER ED (Online gradebook)
- To set up an account please visit, https://login.jupitered.com/login/
- You need your child's Student ID number
- This is the online grade book system that we use at BCSM, for students and parents/guardians to view grades for all of your classes.
- Please contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Yajaira Perez (yperez@bxcsm.org) for any questions.
BCSM's Legally Blonde Musical 2025
Reach Out
Young Kim
Assistant Principals
Patrick Callahan, Madeline Rios, Diane Yacenda
1363 Fulton Ave Bronx, NY 10456
Phone Number
(718) 992-7089
Fax Number
(718) 590-1052